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AllJobSearch has been warmly embraced by job seekers, recruiters and job sites. Here are some of the many comments we have received. All these are the original words from emails or online articles.

Editor's Pick of the Month at isocom2000: The best online site to search for a job is located @ where you can search 180+ websites, 500+ newspapers, and 300+ newsgroups all at one site.

Rated as Five Star ***** at ***** - - This site is a simple interface that amalgamates information from many many other sources - including USENET newsgroups. I've found this one to be very useful.

Article on 12/30/01 One other resolution often made is to get a better job. However, this year many are finding it's not a resolution, but a necessity. Whether necessary or a resolution, I'd like to offer a wonderful site called -

AllJobSearch has more than 50 search sites including Monster, Headhunter, CareerMag, Jobs, MegaJobSite, Fedworld, America's Job Bank, CareerBuilder and many more. It also includes major American newspapers. The thing I liked most about this site, besides having all the searches in one place, was the simplicity of use. Enter keyword(s), country, state/province, city, job type, post date and category, then click search. Since you've already entered your job specifications on AllJobSearch, the chosen criteria automatically carries over and you simply click on the search engine of your choice, it remembers your selections, and you find your new job. Skeptical of finding a job on the Internet? Don't be. That's how my family came to live in Tennessee.

4/1/02 Diane: I gave your e-mail address to Nova of Sunnyvale, California this morning, they're a Federally funded career center. They loved the site and will be book-marking it on all of their many computers, along with giving the address to their many visitors. I told them I was amazed, in this day and age, at your amazingly quick response time to the questions and suggestions I had. Have a wonderful day!

3/29/02 Bluebotl: I have been telling people about your site. It's very helpful to not have to rekey search criteria. I'll be using it until I get a job.

3/25/02 While surfing the net, I came across your site - and am very impressed with your offerings. I wanted to take this moment to introduce you to our job boards and see if there could be an opportunity for us to work together. I believe we could be a valuable addition to Chicago job seekers and would appreciate if you would include us in your endeavors and list us on your site.

3/22/02 Carey from I just visited your web site, , and found it helpful, informative, and very appealing. Would you be interested in exchanging links?

3/7/02 Steven: I have several friends laid off. I told them your web site. They are using it. They told me that your site is the best. Good work!

2/15/02 Krista: alljobsearch, is my favourite job search site! Thanks for the awesome job!

1/28/02 Joo Y Chung: You have a wonderful site that's made my job hunt much much easier. Thank you !

1/24/02 Sam from Hello, you have an interesting site and I am glad you have us listed. How many unique visitors do you get each month? What are your advertising rates? Thanks,

1/23/02 Gary P: I'm going into the "One Stop Career Center" today, (State run unemployment/job service office here in Florida) I'm going to tell them how impressed I am with the site. They recommend job search websites to about 250 different people a day. Thank you!!! For developing a site where one only fills in the blanks "ONE TIME" it's a real time saver!!

1/22/02 Ron Hubert from (Yardley, PA): Is there anything users of can do to expand the reach & depth of this excellent site?

1/21/02 Lyn from CoachCrafters, Inc: I liked the fact that one is able to reach many sites with one posting. I was unable to find a link for information about possibly inserting an employment ad. Could you please let me know the price, length of time, length of ad, etc. for advertising on your site. If you have any packages available, please send that information also.

1/17/02 Dave Ulanow: Just wanted to let you know that I think the alljobsearch search engine is great - just what I have been looking engine that searches i the major employment sites, not just a multitude of sites in the ozone.

1/10/02 Ed Cloughessy: I think your web site is extremely comprehensive, and it is sure to meet my job search needs

12/26/01 Sylvain, CEO of cabinglobal: I really enjoy your website and believe in its potential. May I have the email and name of your director. I would like to discuss the possibility of partnering with my organization out of Ottawa.

Dave Willden: I'm extremely impressed with the value of We are considering starting an IT staffing/consulting company. Can you offer any advise on the best/cheapest way to search resumes and post jobs? Are there other successful alternatives to paying membership with monster, flipdog or dice? Your coaching would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much.

Rob Porter, (Director of Marketing, Good day ! I have just discovered your site through advice of a friend. I am interested in having looking into having our site represented on you engine as we are one of the largest and most successful Canadian On-line recruitment sites. With whom should I proceed conversations with. Cheers

Jason Riggs: Thank God you guys are back up. During the time your site was down, I felt totally stranded in my job hunting endeavors. Since I discovered your Web site a few weeks ago, it's all I've used. Keep up the great work.


Scott Cooper: Hello, I really like your site. I just wanted to report that the link to brassring is dated, and when it loads it gives you a url to go to the new link. Thanks.

Pat Murphy, CEO of I absolutely love your concept and wanted to discuss linking to your site. Many sites do partner programs so that a site like ours can use your search engine. If that may be possible, I would like to discuss.

Nancy Hawkins: I have noticed that I never get any results from America's JobBank and I finally figured out why. The information goes from allsearch to their site and shows up as ALL instead of ANY and between each word there is the number 1 with a space in front of it and behind it. Just thought I'd let you know in case there was something you could do about it. I love your site though - I'm not complaining.

Louis Schwarz: Thanks for the info. You have a great site by the way, I have sent many of my friends to it.

Dennis English: I was able to use your tool once. It is a great idea and a very good tool. Problem is, I can't access it anymore. Any suggestions?

M. Dutch Waterman: Howdy, I find your site to be a valuable resource. I am between positions right now and I use your site daily, when it is online! Your site seems to go down often. Earlier today it was unavailable. What seems to be the problem? Could I be of any assistance? I happen to be a web application architect/developer.